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Why do you create?

Why do you create?

Like most knitters I have a list running around in my head of things I’d like to make or try. This year is no different. A shawl, some zany socks, and maybe have a go at a Mary Jane Tea bear. 

Sometimes life feels like a ‘to do’ list with things being checked off and us running from one event to the next. Often this carries over to our creating as we rush to finish a project for a loved one or because we have our eye on our next project .

What would happen if, this year, we choose our projects with intention because we love them and they make our heart sing. If we chose our yarn because of it's softness or because the colour made us smile. If we slowed down and enjoyed each part of the process.

Knitting and crocheting might once again become a space for you create for yourself. A space where you slow down and enjoy the process. A space that feeds your creativity and your soul.

Your projects can take as long as they need to. And if they’re a little late that’s okay.